Creative Crafts Summer 2014 Workshops 10 a.m.-2 p.m. for Young Artists ages 7-12 4 p.m.-8 p.m. for TEEN GIRLS July 20-24 Mosaics,Stained Glass and Landscape Painting; In this 5 day 20 hour workshop your child will choose a mosaic/stained glass project (Mirrors, tabletops, challah boards,washing cups, & mezuzot are a few of the choices) as well as a painting and come home at the end of the week with 2 amazing projects Cost 750/700 NIS (sibling or multiple workshop discount) Includes all materials July 27-31 Garden/Outdoor Glass & Mosaics ; In this 5 day 20 hour workshop your child will choose between a variety of projects (stepping stones, stained glass sun catchers, soldered animals & flowers, flower pots, stained glass projects among some of the varied choices Cost 750/700 NIS (sibling or multiple workshop discount) Includes all materials August 3-7 NEW PROJECT Ea...
Showing posts from June, 2014