The Meaning of the Matza (in my humble opinion)
Think of our lives….our very busy lives. When we’re in a hurry and rushing out the door and then realize a few hours later that we’re starving…we are going to probably eat whatever we can get. Of course there was no “makolet” or convenience store on the trip our ancestors , so yes… they had to plan a bit. But, as our ancestors were rushing out the door and grabbing whatever essentials they could find …but then…"WAIT I forgot Something…I’m just running back in the house to “make the dough” so I can carry it on my back in the burning hot sun". We don’t hear much about any other food that our ancesters took…(I would have totally taken a good supply of water) only a lot about the matza. Ever wonder…what’s the matza all about? So I think if we can take a tiny step backwards…when we’re cleaning out our homes and searching for crumbs…what the heck are we doing? Stumbling around in the dark with a candle and feather searching for crumbs throughout our homes. I m...