Wow….life has been b”h so busy with the chaggim coming at us each and every second that I haven’t had a chance to upload all of the cool projects we’ve been producing. Check out GG's Walker and matching Wallet! To backtrack a bit we started out the year with duct tape. It’s the latest craze and I only have a few photos to share (as my camera wasn’t available when the projects were completed) of wallets made by the girls…young and young in spirit as well. As many of you know I teach art to the seniors of Gush Etzion and some of them decided that they would like to decorate their canes and walkers with duct tape too…pretty cool stuff! Candle Lighting Tray We didn’t have too many classes to finish our projects… so we then got started with choosing a project…either a mosaic/painted sign for the sukkah, for house or even for their rooms. Some girls made trays for lighting candles using clear glass and collaging underneath. There are many choices to be had at Creative Crafts and ...
For YOUNG ARTISTS MIXED MEDIA This chug is like 10 art classes in one! From mosaics, stained glass, sculpture to sewing & landscape painting and so much more in between… Boys Grades 2-4 Sun. 3:30-5 Boys Grades 5 & up Sun. 5-6:30 Girls Grades 1-3 Tues. 3-4:30 Girls Grades 4-5 Mon. 4:30-6 & Tues. 5-6:30 Girls Grades 6-8 Wed. 4:30-6 High School Girls Wed. 6-7:30 C heck out some photos from chuggim & camp *Learn new skills, *Express your creativity *Pamper your self-esteem, *Explore a wide-range of exciting medium, Create amazing, unique projects using quality materials all in a relaxed atmosphere that will leave you feeling amazing! Ladies Mosaic Classes All levels are invited to join this class after completing MOSAICS 101 (or for those who have some experience can join right away). ...